Pottery, Sculpture, Jewelry, Painting

Artist Statment

I admire the natural world and the expansive textures, histories, and materials that exist within it. I explore desert living, and from my own experiences and interactions with this ecosystem, I utilize an observational perspective within my practice. As a part of my artistic process, I journey to site-specific locations and draw inspiration. These locations range from geological sites, conservation areas, botanical gardens, and my backyard. The process of re-visiting certain locations deepens the bond between the idea, the process, the outcome of the artwork, and myself.

Clay is my primary medium, red clay specifically. I am drawn to using terracotta as it bridges me to Arizona's geological and Human histories. The erosion of certain sedimentary layers, results in deposits of red iron and hematite found in these geological sites. I have also sourced two clay bodies from New Mexico to have material directly from the South West. Working with clay allows me to mold my observations into three dimensions.

The work references weather phenomena, plant and animal life, geological formations, and interactions between myself and the Sonoran Desert. I observe the colors, textures, and identities of formations, the changes in landscapes, the designs and adaptations found in organics, and the process of rain and its role in the ecosystem.

The intention behind the pieces themselves is to explore my fascination with the whimsical aesthetics of the ecology of the Sonoran desert.

→ Orionjaimeceramics@gmail.com
Linkedin : http://www.linkedin.com/in/amanda-jaime-ceramics
Instagram @orion.j.ceramics

©2024 Phoenix, Arizona.
Orion Jaime Ceramics Portfolio.